house rhodes: Kitchen

There are certain things that you just need to function on a daily basis. Here are some of our household necessities!

First up, the Vitamix. It’s just perfect for so many things. We do a lot of smoothies, soups and sauces with this baby… but its really capable of so much more.

Let’s talk about flour… Jesse and Gabrielle are allergic to gluten and have found Bob's 1-to-1 GF Flour is just THE best out there. Hands down. You’re welcome.

Gabrielle loves to make a cream sauce pasta. If you all want the recipe, let us know in the comments below. But, one of the secret ingredients is something to thicken up that sauce. Do you not want to use corn starch? Give Bob's Tapioca Flour (Starch)a shot. It works so well and you don’t need that much.

Okay- so- cleaning up. Everyone’s least favorite part. We get it. That being said, not all dish soap is created equal. Some soaps leave some serious chemical residue behind. EW! Even worse still, some companies are “green washing” their products. This means that they are making it seem like their products are healthy, but they are lying to us. UGH! So, we love Seventh Generation Lavender Dish Soap!


Home studio 201


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